Whip Making Tutorial
Have you ever wanted to try to make a kangaroo bullwhip? Are you currently a nylon whip maker that wants to try your hands at the leather craft version? If you have, this is a special opportunity you can't let pass by!
In this whip making tutorial I walk you through every step as I make a 4' 8 Plait Jones Jr. Raiders. this unique tutorial is filmed from a GoPro camera mounted on my chest.From Cutting out the core to tying on the cracker you will see this project completed from my perspective.
There is a lot of skills that need polished to make a well crafted whip. Cutting, Stretching, Prepping, and Braiding are the most important Fundamentals there is so much more the goes into making a whip. This tutorial will help give you insight and understanding in your new journey.
There are a few different packages to choose from. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly. I am glad to be able to provide this experience and look forward to being a part of your journey!
Once you make the purchase please go to the registration page to join. Just go to the Whip Making Video Library to Register. Once the purchase is confirmed and you have registered I will have you add as a member with in 24 hours.
The Basic Package
-In the basic package you choose to stream these videos indefinitely. $150
The Whip Assistant Package
- The Whip Assistant Package will give you the video streaming and a scheduled hour via phone or skype to answer any and all your questions. $200
The Whip Makers Package
-The Whip Makers Package will include the video stream, private hour for Q and A, and All the basic materials required to craft this project
- 1 Kangaroo Skin in your choice of color
- Kip Hide for the core and bolster
- 1 prepped fall and one one fall ready to prep
- Small pack of crackers
- Small container of plaiting soap
- Small container of leather conditioner
- Small container of Pecards leather conditioner
- Small container of shellac
To register just click on to the Trinity Whip Co Logo and it will transfer you to the registration page.
Whip Making Tutorial Promo Video